GENESIS® Program

Structured as comprehensive inventory of PTi extrusion systems, with an expedited delivery initiative that reduces ordinary system deliveries by over 3 months, the GENESIS® Program is the modus for achieving full productivity and profit initiatives over that of conventional design and build methods. 

Various system configurations, comprised of the latest PTI technology, are possible through the GENESIS® Program.  Systems components include: extruders, die assemblies, roll stands, coaters, winders… and more.  For a complete list of possibilities, click here.

Expedite your ROI now!  Contact a PTi Sales Representative for detailsOtherwise, stay tuned to this page for possible solutions and process applications that can be accomplished through the GENESIS® Program. 


   August Spotlights HVTSE system for PET, PP, PS, and HDPE

                                                Mon. Aug 12, 2024 4:00pm


  September Spotlights Competitive Advantages Achieved thru GENESIS Program     

                                                 Thurs. Sept.9, 2024 12:00pm